pray width kodou

What can be seen, what cannot be seen.
This world is filled with many things, shapes and colors.
At times, one thinks only those that can be seen exist.

Starlight floating in the midst of darkness.
Close your eyes and listen to the sound of wind, birds chirping, people’s footstep.
Unseen and yet existing, these various lives.

If, like a star shining in the night sky, life can be seen as light.
If people, animals, plants, and all lives were light.
Then, what is the sight that awaits us?

About pray with kodou

"pray with kodou” is online installation art, you can join via zoom.
On your palm, a small artwork, “kodou,” will glimmer as your heart beats,
In a dark and quiet space, send your prayers to that person close to you, to that person faraway.


On April 29, 2020, we had 17 people joining us online.
In the last five minutes, everyone had their eyes shut, and quietly sent their prayers in this video.

See all >

Upcoming Prays

Hosted online once a month on the day of a new moon.
Please check the following links for details.